ThumbNailCow's Thumbnails omfg

>>: # Thursday, September 06, 2007 _

I haven't updated this in NINETEEN MONTHS.

etc etc

Who am I kidding?

>>: # Sunday, January 29, 2006 _

I haven't updated this thing in EIGHT MONTHS. What the FUCK.

I forgot I had it, honestly.

And my stupid roommate has my camera. Not that I have anything to take pictures of anyway.

>>: # Monday, May 02, 2005 _

More pictures later.

Craig likes to sleep, and he wanted to be prostrate, so he slept on the floor. Later in the trip, one of the chaperones had to wake him up to go to the bathroom (which smelled of elderberries (and shit)). Pwned.

Kevin is not high.

Look at that crazy guy. He's so crazy. Being the attention whore he is, he points at the camera as if he was important. Pfft.

Just kidding. He's just a normal whore. I like Ailey.

We got bored on the bus, obviously. Eric, Megha, Craig, Michael, and I took Cima and Mai-Thi's IDs and attempted to recreate them through pencil. I failed. The rest did okay, especially Eric. The picture is terrible, though.

On the second to last day, I was a bit angry at how crappy the trip had been thus far (especially with that terrible, terrible laser light show the night previous... oh GOD, I'm glad I didn't get any pictures of that.)

Anyway, I took some random pictures just to make up for it. Our hotel was mostly ugly, but I understand. It had some nice areas. 447 was not our room number. I'm a noob and didn't realize it was a reflective surface.

This is the beach at the hotel we stayed at on the 2nd to last day. It looks so ominous, I had to take pictures.

The first one is touched up a bit to be less dark and give a better view of the beach itself.

The latter two, however, are in glorious TROY-O-VISION which is just how the camera took them (I have no idea why I said that).

What a beautiful horizon on the last one. It's a good picture.

Here are some various pictures of Baton Rouge and surrounding areas. I just thought the bay area and so forth looked neat. Not like what you'd see in mainland Texas.

I'm disappointed that I got a car and not much in the second one. Other than that, yay -- I finally have pictures of other cities. Celebrate and what not.

>>: # Monday, April 25, 2005 _

Here's a doctored picture of my eldest cat, Nestle, since the lighting in my room sucks (the walls are yellowed from my parents habitual smoking.) She's at least eleven years old now. Laws of probability proclaim that she's due to die any day now! Whoo! I amuse me.

Got my DIGICAM (tm) today. Here's a nasty pic of me. Why am I even doing this? I'm so ugly. I promise not to take too many pictures of myself.

Eat me.

my real blog.

April 2005
May 2005
January 2006
September 2007

edit me